10 of the most fantastic moments from Good Omens

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Introduction of the first Horseman of the apocalypse

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the introduction of the first horseman of the apocalypse is definitely a fantastic moment in Good Omens. Not only is the scene fascinating, but War’s an unexpected treat in many ways. We definitely were not expecting a sassy horseman, but that’s exactly what we get.

The scene in question brings us to a signing of a peace treaty between warring nations. And yet, we know it is not going to be that easy, because peace never is — and this is Good Omens after all.

When a young woman is there as a journalist to capture the moment, you can’t help but feel there is something unusual about her. Ultimately, she is no ordinary person. Instead, this is one of the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse.

With War at the ready and receiving a package that has her back in the saddle and helping to kick-start the end of days, the peace treaty she’s there to witness goes up in flames (literally). There is no peace to be had at this time, and that means it is time to get the party (or the apocalypse) started.

War being the first of the horsemen to be initiated into service actually makes a lot of sense. Not only is she a harbinger of destruction, but she helps to usher in the other horsemen of the apocalypse in style.