15 books to read to understand mental health issues

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Here are 15 books that delve into the tricky subject of mental health and help us understand it a little better.

Content warning: Some of the books here discuss suicidal ideation and attempted suicide, hospitalization, and more. For help with mental health issues, NAMI’s HelpLine, FAQ, and recommendations are a good place to start.

Mental Health Awareness Month is happening right now. It was established in the year 1949 and has been observed ever since. It was started by the Mental Health America organization in order to help people with mental illnesses cope, as well as help everyone in the United States understand different aspects of mental health.

Each May, the Mental Health America organization picks a theme for Mental Health Awareness month to center their programs around. This May 2019, the organization is expanding on last year’s theme of #4Mind4Body.

This May, the organization is taking last year’s theme to new heights by discussing topics such as support animals, humor, and spirituality. It’s also covering work-life balance and overall wellness, which are things that everyone can benefit from.

On its site, you can download a toolkit that will help you become the most healthy you and get into the spirit of Mental Health Awareness Month while adding self-care to your routine!

Another way to get into the spirit of better mental health for all is to read some books on the subject. There are so many books that delve into this tricky subject of mental health. There are novels, self-help books, essay books, and even children’s books that cover this tough stigma.

Below are 15 of our favorite books that cover this subject, describe the raw details of illnesses, and help us learn how to take proper care of ourselves, and show understanding toward others.