Game of Thrones: Social media had mixed reactions to who took the Iron Throne


The final season of Game of Thrones has been a whirlwind for viewers, and on social media, the reaction over the Iron Throne has been intense. So how did people react to who ultimately took the throne?

Warning: Spoilers for the final episode of Game of Thrones below.

Even before the final season, the road to the Iron Throne has been long and bloody. And with the season finale of Game of Thrones upon us, it was finally time to learn who would ultimately be the last woman or man standing (or sitting, in the case of a throne).

However, the biggest problem with learning who would sit on the Iron Throne is the fact that there is no throne to take thanks to Drogon melting it after his queen died. But that does not mean that a ruler was not named anyway.

With Bran Stark finally taking the title of king that so many people have died for, it was inevitable that social media would have something to say. And honestly, half the fun of Game of Thrones has always been the reactions that people have to these characters, so to know once and for all that Bran would be the true ruler of the now-Six Kingdoms meant that viewers had a field day on Twitter.

Some people were less than pleased with the decision, while others were shocked. And we can’t forget the fact that there is no more Iron Throne.

And there were, of course, some fans who were if not happy, at least satisfied with the decision to have Bran named king.

But perhaps my favorite reaction to the decision to make Bran king, while Sansa was declared queen of the North, might be this:

After eight seasons, we finally have a king, and it was perhaps the last person we expected. But maybe that’s exactly what this series needed. A shock that none of us saw coming.

Related Story. What’s next for the cast of Game of Thrones after the series ends?. light

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