Game of Thrones season 8 episode 5: Predictions for the women of Westeros


With season 8 almost over, what will become of the women of Westeros this week of Game of Thrones? Here are 5 predictions that may just come true.

After what many fans deemed an underwhelming episode, it will certainly be interesting to see what happens this week on Game of Thrones. How will Daenerys get back at Cersei for killing Missandei? Will Arya and the Hound make it to King’s Landing? And what will Sansa’s role be in all of it? Let’s take a look at five predictions of what may happen this Sunday.

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen – Photo: Courtesy of HBO

Daenerys gets payback

After last week’s tragic death of Missandei, there is no way Daenerys doesn’t get her revenge on Cersei. With one dragon left, this will be her last chance to use it to destroy the woman who killed one of her best friends. Daenerys will no longer even pretend to listen to Tyrion and Lord Varys. She will burn King’s Landing to the ground if it means Cersei pays for what she did.

Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister – Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Cersei gets what she deserves

Cersei will start off the episode as confident as ever. Not only did she kill a dragon but she was able to kidnap and kill one of her enemies most loyal people. But that will change about halfway through the episode. She has not faced Daenerys in battle before and certainly not Daenerys when she is at her most brutal. And if fan theories are any indication, more dragons could be coming. If that’s the case, Cersei doesn’t stand a chance.

Kit Harington as Jon Snow, Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark, Maisie Williams as Arya Stark,

and Isaac Hempstead Wright as Bran Stark. Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Sansa makes plans

Sansa may be still in Winterfell, but there is still plenty she needs to do. Once she learns of Cersei’s first win against Daenerys and Jon, she will begin to plot against Daenerys and for getting Jon onto the Iron Throne. Sansa has never wanted power. She has seen what it does to people. But she wouldn’t mind having someone powerful close to her. Now that she knows the truth of Jon’s origins, she will do anything she can to make him king. And if it ensures Daenerys’ demise, all the better.

Jacob Anderson as Grey Worm and Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen. Photo: Courtesy of HBO

Daenerys turns into the Mad Queen

It’s been pretty clear this season what direction Daenerys is headed. She is now refusing to listen to her advisers and despite them still (somehow) being in a relationship, she will turn on Jon too. If Tyrion and Varys bring up their idea of Jon and Dani marrying to share power, her turn towards madness may happen quite soon. Daenerys may have been able to share power in the past, but that time is long gone. With her temperament and the Mad King’s blood in her veins, she will take the same turn. We will see her turn into the Mad Queen before this episode is over.

Rory McCann as Sandor “The Hound” Clegane and Maisie Williams as Arya Stark. Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Arya kills the Dragon Queen

Now that Arya and the Hound are making their way to King’s Landing, Arya can scratch a few more names off her list. But she won’t be killing Cersei. According to a few fan theories, Arya could stab Daenerys with Needle. If Daenerys takes cares of Cersei and takes the throne, that much power may make her even worse than she already is. Arya may have no choice but to take out the Dragon Queen. This will also help her sister’s plan to get Jon on the throne.

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What do you think will happen this week on Game of Thrones? Will all the women of Westeros make it out alive? Let us know what you think in the comments!