Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger review: Dreaming over and over


Tandy’s trapped in hallucinations and the back of an ambulance in this week’s Cloak and Dagger. Will she save herself in time or will Tyrone swoop in?

Are you ready to get a little trippy in this week’s Cloak and Dagger? Don’t believe everything you see this episode.

We begin on the beach that started this whole adventure. Except this time, both their fathers show up to rescue them. And we see where life would have led them had that accident not happened.

Tyrone is a police officer for New Orleans and Tandy dances with the New York State ballet. And everyone is still very alive. But there’s a glimpse of reality—she thinks she sees her dad hit her mom and she freaks very publicly.

And it gets crazier when they accidentally touch and their powers explode. It flashes us to another reality where Tandy’s a Roxxon engineer. It’s the B-side to the album—“Fractured Family.”

You can see Tandy struggling to follow the drug train of thought as this new dream starts. She gets flown out to a Roxxon oil rig and meets Tyrone and a very rude Mina Hess, who thinks she’s sent to spy on them.

MARVEL’S CLOAK AND DAGGER – “B Sides” – Photo: Freeform/Alfonso Bresciani

One consistent throughout everything Cloak and Dagger throws at us this episode is the relationship between Tandy and Tyrone. No matter the situation, they always find each other, and find some common ground.

And every time things get bad, her light daggers appear.

The third iteration of her hallucinations is probably the most fun, what with Tandy being a swindler and Tyrone stealing cars. It’s the shakiest so far, with real Tandy trying to wake up and dream Tandy getting flashes of the ambulance lights.

It gets worse as all of the dreams start to meld together and Tandy’s frustration rises. She manages to make it back to the vinyl store from the Darkforce dimension—or at least an iteration of it.

As it turns out, Andre is the big bad of the season. He and Tandy have a very polite heart-to-heart about everything, and she finally wakes up. She finds Tyrone and they go to take on Andre… only for Tyrone to get shot and for us to realize she’s still stuck under with Johnny Cash playing in the background.

And she gives up her daggers.

MARVEL’S CLOAK AND DAGGER – “B Sides” – Photo: Freeform/Alfonso Bresciani

Best One-Liner

I enjoyed the throwback to Tyrone’s “crazy white girl” line.

Well… Tandy giving up all hope is probably a very bad sign for next week’s episode. There was very little Tyrone this episode. Which means that they’re probably going to make him do the heavy lifting next week.

Also, I thought I would mention that I have that same exact record player. Also, all of the album covers honestly look like Pink Floyd album covers.

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Next week’s Cloak and Dagger looks to bring Tyrone back into the mix. Will he help Tandy find her hope again?