Game of Thrones vs. the MCU: 5 character battles we’d like to see

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Photo: HBO / Photo: Marvel Studios

Arya Stark vs. Natasha Romanoff

Two deadly assassins, two fierce women who have seen too much. Who would win in a fight between the renowned Black Widow and a girl who has no name?

It’s an especially difficult one. They are both a bit shoot-first-ask-questions-later, at least when we first meet them, and especially if they’re in a fix, which makes it more unlikely that they would sit down long enough to become pals.

They are also both fairly matched. They have both dedicated their lives to training to be assassins, Arya doing so a degree more willingly than Natasha. Natasha has more hand to hand combat experience than Arya – which means not too much really, if Needle gets you first – but Arya’s is fearsome with a sword, and her knife-throwing skills were enough to make a grown man’s knees weak (we see you Gendry…).

But Natasha can do that too. And we’d bet she’d be handy with a sword if pressed, just as Arya can scrap if she needs to. You don’t make it in Game of Thrones (or the Marvel Cinematic Universe, for that matter) without being resourceful.

In the end, it’s probably not the women who determine the fight, but the school of combat they have become experts in. Arya’s teachers, Jaqen H’ghar and The Faceless Men (coming soon to a folk bar near you) have the slight edge on Black Widow’s Russian order, if only because they can literally change their faces, instead of just putting a hood up in an Apple Store.

I mean, really Natasha?

Winner: Arya