Game of Thrones season 8 episode 3: Who will live and who will die?

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(L to R) Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark, Kit Harington as Jon Snow, Isaac Hempstead Wright as Bran Stark,

and Maisie Williams as Arya Stark – Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Arya Stark

Remember the crypts? The really safe and definitely not full of dead people waiting to be reanimated by a terrifying blue man crypts? In the season 8 trailer, Arya was spotted running through them. She looked scared.

Are the Dead out to get her?

Undutibly, yes. Whether she will defeat them or not is a different matter. Arya’s death would serve no purpose at this point, so Game of Thrones must be very tempted. Plus a chance to seemingly punish a woman for articulating her sexual and romantic agency? Ugh, how could they pass it up, this a show with such a glowing history when it comes to gender politics.

As with her sister, we’d never truly bet against Arya. Her uncanny ability to change faces (which she never mentions…we’d mention it all the time, it’s a rare talent!) must surely come into play again at some point, and it’s unclear what use that is against White Walkers. Maybe she just about survives this…

Chance of survival: Hope is all we have.

Bran Stark

The stakes are so unbelievably high for this little weirdo. If the Night King kills him, the world of men is doomed. That’s one way to ensure your own survival: tell everyone just how valuable you are. Bran’s clearly the best politician in Winterfell (with the exception of Sansa, as there is not much competition).

We’re not sure about this one. Jon Snow’s plan falling spectacularly apart in the face of the White Walkers seems likely — meaning maybe the eye is taken off the Bran ball — and killing Bran would strike a massive blow to fans and characters alike.

But then again, he is an extremely useful plot device, in that he knows everything. Maybe it all comes down to this: if Sam dies, Bran lives. There must always be a know-it-all in Winterfell. Who else will fill in the blanks?

Chance of survival: You’d better ask him.

Jon Snow

Jon Snow may not be Ned Stark’s son by blood, but he has certainly inherited his wily political skill…

Seriously, on the eve of battle, coming clean about your claim to the throne to a woman who has very much not hid her single-minded desire for power is…a choice. Clearly the torches are lit, but Jon Snow is not home.

It would be all too convenient for Dany to let the White Walkers do the job for her and bump off her now-closest rival, regardless of whether he’s her lover, nephew or both (ew).

This, plus that ominous shot of his sword Longclaw in the snow, makes it likely that he’s dug his own grave – now let’s see who puts him in it.

Chance of survival: Against the White Walkers? Pretty fair. Against Daenerys “I killed your father, brother, and next-door neighbor” Targaryen…who can say?

The Hound

Look, Sandor Clegane did not make it this far to die now. Someone has to kill his horribly decaying brother. Yes, we know it’s a popular fan theory, and those hardly ever come true, but still…wouldn’t it be great?

Also he hasn’t yet had an awkward and complicated encounter with Sansa. We know having all reunions ever aren’t realistic, but this one makes full dramatic sense. Game of Thrones is an extremely expensive and well-made soap opera, and we demand theatrics.

Chance of survival: If he dies, the next episode will reveal it was all a dream.

Tyrion Lannister

Look, one of the Lannister brothers at least has to make it out of this alive, and unfortunately for Jaime, he has the least essential plot line. Not only does Tyrion likely still have a role to play as Daenerys’ chief political adviser, but also Bronn is on his way to Winterfell to kill him. He may like Jaime but he loves Tyrion – as much he will never fully admit it – and the confliction between duty (read: glory and riches) and the bro code will be glorious to watch.

For that reason, Tyrion will almost definitely survive this one.

Unless no one survives. Unless the last shot of Game of Thrones is a barren wasteland.
Oh no. We’re despairing.

Chance of survival: We’re almost optimistic…

Sansa Stark

In literally any fight, we’d bet on Sansa. Last week saw her hold her own against Daenerys Stormborn herself, even despite finding common ground. As J.K. Rowling once told us, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies. but just as much to stand up to our friends. Sansa’s seen enough what someone can do with a smile and an overture of friendship.

Also she is currently the most developed and compelling character in the series at the moment; the Night King can choke. If he wants her, he’s going to have to go through us.

Chance of survival: Invented surviving.

Check out all the season 8 episode 3 photos. light. Related Story

Of course, this is the best case scenario (ha!). We know we will see lots of our friends and frenemies fall, we’re relatively prepared (ha!) for that, but there’s still always the chance the living won’t win at all. Then what happens?

Game of Thrones has long prepared us for its severe bouts of spontaneity when it comes to the fates of its characters, but even so, we have to admit: we’re scared about this one.