Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2: Questions we have after “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”

Granted, there’s really only one question that we have for next week’s episode of Game of Thrones that really matters, but there are sub-questions!

Warning: If you haven’t watched Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2, “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms,” then you’ll want to at least check out our five things to know before reading on.

Let’s start this with a semi-serious question: How creepy-good is Florence + the Machine’s “Jenny of Oldstones“? If you heard just the version that played over the credits of “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms,” you are missing out. There are more lyrics, and they’re just as sadly beautiful as the ones we’ve already heard.

But there’s a time to look to the past, and a time to look to the future. Here is where we start to ask where episode 3 of this season is going. We know we have nearly 90 minutes of action to sit through next week. That means there’s room for a lot to happen.

Who’s going to die?

We could talk for more than just one article about this — but we will, in-depth, later in the week. It’s practically a given that someone will die, if not multiple someones. These first two episodes have been relatively peaceful, as if building up more anticipation for this battle.

All we’ll say is this: Our hopes are not high for pretty much anyone at Brienne’s knighting ceremony, including Brienne. It pains us to say it, but it’s true. That seems like a goodbye scene if ever there was one.

What is going on with Sansa and Theon?

Theon does not deserve someone as stellar as Sansa, but here’s the thing: they have been through a lot of shared trauma, and that was a long hug and some meaningful looks. We’re not saying there’s going to be any action between them beyond this. However, after how Jon and Daenerys started in season 7, with long glances and a complex relationship, we’re highly suspect of what’s going on between this pair (unless Theon dies, in which case everything’s fine).

Where exactly is the Night King?

Judging by the teaser for episode 3 as well as the end of episode 2, the Night King isn’t necessarily on site at Winterfell, at least not to start. We don’t doubt that he could and might very well show up if things start to go poorly for his army, but Bran’s proposal that the Night King is specifically targeting him makes all of that make a disturbing amount of sense.

Let’s see where he pops up — and if zombie Viserion makes an appearance, too.

What’s your biggest question for the Battle of Winterfell?

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