Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger: 3 burning questions after Rabbit Hold


Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger threw plenty of action at us this week. With everything that went down, we have a few questions we want answered.

It feels like everything is on fire in Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger. Both figuratively and kind of literally. The show threw plenty of unexpected curve balls this week and there’s almost too much to process.

So. We’ve broken it down to three burning questions. Onward!

MARVEL’S CLOAK AND DAGGER – “Rabbit Hold”. Photo: Freeform/Alyssa Moran

1. Did Mayhem make it out of the Darkforce dimension?

At the end of the episode, when Tyrone managed to teleport back to the safety of his church-home, Tandy got sucked out of the Darkforce dimension. While she and Ty were recovering, we saw Connors escape out the window. But we didn’t see Mayhem anywhere.

Tandy made it very clear that if Mayhem wanted to leave, it had to be with Tandy. And unfortunately, Tandy broke the rules and kind of got swept out of the dimension before she wanted to.

And if Mayhem didn’t want to go with Tandy when she got whisked away, it’s possible she’s still stuck.

It’s also possible that if Tandy goes back in to get her, she’ll come immediately. After all, she wants to kill Connors, and if he escaped, she’ll want to be wherever he is. He’s everywhere she wants to be!

Which leads to the next question.

2. Will Connors survive the next episode?

There are so many people who want him dead. Mayhem definitely wants him dead, as we just watched her attempt to hang him in the Darkforce dimension.

And while Tyrone needs him alive to seek justice and clear his name, it’s looking like his emotions might get in the way:

If Tyrone is Tandy’s conscience, will she be his? She seemed to come to the conclusion that Mayhem’s “shoot first, ask questions second” method probably isn’t good. And if it looks like Tyrone’s headed down that path (reversing their roles), she needs to stop him.

MARVEL’S CLOAK AND DAGGER – “Rabbit Hold”. Photo: Freeform/Alyssa Moran

3. What the heck is up with Tyrone’s mom?

We all had a feeling she was pretty shady already, right? Too straitlaced for her own good? Yeah, that came crumbling down this episode. It’s true a few episodes ago, we did see her voting against the rest of the council and angering the general public.

But… she’s got some Mayhem-level documentation going for something. She continues to treat Tyrone like he’s a helpless little kid who needs protecting even though he’s been doing okay not getting caught over the last year.

Are her ethics truly compromised? Has someone gotten to her? Or is this a level of paranoia that goes beyond helicopter parenting?

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We’ll have to wait and see how our characters react to everything that Cloak and Dagger just threw at them. They’ve bounced back so far, but with the odds mounting against them, can they keep coming back?