Game of Thrones season 8: Questions that were answered in the premiere

Game of Thrones has plenty of mysteries in its final season, but the premiere did pull back the veil just a bit on some of our ongoing questions.

Did you watch the season premiere of Game of Thrones? Well, you probably did, or you wouldn’t be here in the first place. After absorbing all of those trailers, those posters, and those photos, we were, to put it mildly, concerned.

Fortunately, the premiere did give us some insight into what’s really going on in Westeros. Here are the things we finally know the answers to.

(L to R) Gemma Whelan as Yara Greyjoy and Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy – Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Is Yara okay?

As much as she doesn’t get enough screentime, Yara Greyjoy has a distinctive character, and she is, like it or not, a player in the game of thrones as a claimant to the throne (or the rule, should she bend the knee to Daenerys) of the Iron Islands.

After her defeat by Euron last season, we really didn’t know what had happened to Yara, but to see her alive, if not in the greatest of circumstances, means that Daenerys has another ally out there. Once she’s rescued by Theon, she says that she’ll be heading back to secure those islands as safe havens. To be fair, that’s probably for the best. Dragonstone probably can’t hold that many people, and Daenerys has a big army (for now, anyway).

Sophie Turner, Gwendoline Christie, Daniel Portman. Photo Credit: Helen Sloane/HBO

Do Sansa and Daenerys really not like each other that much?

The short answer: Right now, they really don’t.

To be fair, it’s not just personal dislike. It’s a very politically fraught relationship at this point, even with Sansa ceding Winterfell to Daenerys, because of Jon Snow. (He’s just a problem in a lot of ways, even though he’s cute.) After all, Sansa’s position as Lady of Winterfell is not particularly solid right now, since Jon now doesn’t have a position. She can lay that at Daenerys’ feet in some ways, just as much as she can with Jon.

Whether or not she can move past that depends on Daenerys as much as it depends on her own behavior. There is a lot coming down the pipeline in terms of battles.

Photo: Helen Sloan/Courtesy of HBO

How far have the undead come?

The short answer: Last Hearth, enough to leave a message behind and a horror show for all of us viewers.

The long answer: as mentioned in the preview for episode 2, there’s very little time left for everyone at Winterfell to prepare. If you watched the opening closely, you can see how the ice is creeping further and further past the broken Wall. See if it goes further next week. We’re betting it will.

After all, the undead can just keep moving. They don’t need to take breaks or naps or anything like that. It’s just an inexorable march to kill the living.

What questions did you get answered in this week’s premiere of Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on HBO. 

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