The Secret Life of Pets offered a humorous glimpse into the pet world. In the new Universal Studios Hollywood ride, Off the Leash, guests become part of that world.
Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash! is the newest attraction to open at Universal Studios Hollywood. Based on the characters from Illumination’s movies, this all-ages attraction looks to capture the fun and endearing qualities from the film. But, will guests make it to their final destination?
Opening in 2020, this immersive experience has guests become stray puppies that are looking for their forever home. With the help of movie characters Max, Snowball, Gidget, Chloe and Duke and others, these puppies go on adventures, face challenges and possibly reveal some humorous parts of pet life.
Of course, a happy ending is always warranted in any good story. In the end, everyone will find their forever homes. No telling if learning those pet secrets could affect that new home life, though.
Since this ride is at Universal Studios Hollywood, the ride is on a track and guests experience it via the ride vehicle. Additionally, the ride is said to have “live, dimensional and animated characters” with “hyper-realistic media.”
These statements show that Universal wants to push the envelope of the guest experience. People don’t want to sit back and watch. They want to be drawn into the action, transported to that movie world, and feel like they are interacting with their favorite characters.
At Universal Studios Florida, the Despicable Me ride does a wonderful job of immersing the guest into that animated world and capturing the fun of the moment. From the pre-show video to the dance walking out, it captures a light-hearted, feel-good moment.
With the storyline of this new ride, this experience should be something all guests, regardless of age, would want to ride over and over again. If this new ride can capture the same joy as Minions, it will be immensely popular.
Since the storyline focuses on finding a forever home (and a happy ending), it will be curious to see how Universal captures that “feel good” ending moment. While the adventures and laughs will keep people coming back to experience the ride, that happy ending will be the lasting memory people take from the immersive experience.
Given that The Secret Life of Pets 2 will be coming to theaters on June 7, 2019, this ride expansion allows Universal to build on a popular franchise. These characters and storylines are popular with all ages. Who hasn’t wondered what your animal family members do when the humans aren’t around?
This movie franchise has captured people’s interest because it is a glimpse into another world. While it may not be superheroes and wizards, those pets who are parts of people’s families are full of mysteries. Granted, no one really knows what that bark means or what they are thinking. Still, people enjoy the concepts of the fantasy world where pets really do have this “other” life.
This expansion shows that Universal is looking to capitalize on more of its popular properties. While everyone is familiar with Harry Potter and Jurassic Park, Universal has numerous properties that would work in their theme park settings. From the Trolls who do their meet-and-greets to the potential of the video games coming to life, the expansion possibilities are great.
The Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash! Is set to open at Universal Studios Hollywood in 2020. Illumination’s The Secret Life of Pets 2 will open in theaters on June 7, 2019.
Are you excited about this new Universal Studios Hollywood experience? Better yet, wonder what your pets are doing while you’re reading this post.