Watch a quick Game of Thrones review before season 8 premieres


For those who need a last-minute refresher on everything Game of Thrones, or a crash course to watch season 8, have no fear: all you need is two minutes.

There are, as of this writing, roughly 67 hours of Game of Thrones content. That’s just a little less than three days. Now, if you had no other obligations, you could easily just huddle in and watch, but let’s face it: there’s work, laundry, eating, and so on.

It’s a behemoth in any sense of the word, and you might just not have time at this late date.

Fortunately, Winter is Coming, Culturess’ sister site, has the answer: a two-minute recap of all seven seasons. Please enjoy Dan Selcke’s patter as he gets through a lot of moving parts.

Seriously, we feel out of breath just watching this one. In the interest of bringing the text, we’ll quickly summarize Arya’s journey. After witnessing her father’s execution, she disguises herself as a boy and starts heading north. On her way there, she meets Gendry, last living bastard child of King Robert, and also meets Jaqen H’ghar, who is extremely mysterious and good at killing people. Jaqen gives her a coin, but it doesn’t come into play until after she spends some time with the Hound. The coin gets her to Braavos, a city on Essos, where she goes to the House of Black and White.

The House trains her to be an assassin, including the art of changing faces. (It involves actually having physical faces.) However, unable to let go of her identity completely, Arya ends up killing a fully-trained assassin and fleeing back to Westeros. There, she gets revenge on the Freys, who were involved in the plot to kill her brother and mother, and then heads back north to reunite with her sister, Sansa.

Still out of breath? So are we, so we’ll spare you talking about Sansa Stark in detail, instead simply saying that she still deserves better.

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Game of Thrones returns April 14.