It was FP Jones’ birthday on Riverdale, and while the usual four played a big part in the episode, for a change it was more about one of the adults. And we were excited that it was FP getting the chance to shine.
Riverdale is at its best when the show focuses more on characters than on ridiculous antics. And sure, the ridiculous storylines are what we come back for, but they aren’t the only thing we want to see.
In the latest episode of the show, which was appropriately titled, “American Dreams,” Riverdale gave us more than just the usual mystery to solve, it reminded us that this town is filled with real people living their lives. And what better way to remind us of this than to celebrate FP Jones’ 50th birthday. Not only did we get to see a slice of the good old-fashioned American dream, but it was the Jones family living that dream.
FP is perhaps one of the most interesting characters on Riverdale, and that is saying a lot when you look at all of these characters together. What makes him fascinating is that he started the series as this deadbeat kind of dad, whose own son was living at the drive-in movie theater. He was the leader of a gang, and even had to spend time in jail when he was wrongly accused of murder.
But over the course of the series, there has been a substantial shift in who FP Jones really is. And it all culminated in “American Dreams.” Not only is his family back together, but now he has a respectable job as the sheriff of Riverdale. Plus, with his wife and daughter back in town, he is about to move out of the trailer he and Jughead have been living in and into a real house (even if that house once belonged to Betty’s family).
Nothing sums this up better than the moment when Fred Andrews comes up to his longtime friend at his 50th birthday party and wishes him a happy birthday. Now, how this happens on the show is, of course, bittersweet following the passing of Luke Perry. Andrews walks up to his best friend to give him a hug, saying, “You don’t get too many nights like this. You gotta soak it up.”
Fred Andrews also welcomes his friend to his neighborhood, as the two will now be living next door to each other, once the Joneses move into the Cooper’s old house. After telling FP, “we are going to be neighbors and I’m happy about it,” he hugged him once more and then walked off, letting his friend enjoy his birthday party.
Honestly, even Jughead’s speech in honor of his father was fitting, as it reminded all of us of how far FP has come since the first episode of the series. And it feels like this was the kind of episode that we needed to act as a palette cleanser as we get ready to dive deeper into the mysteries of both the Farm and Gryphons and Gargoyles.
It was nice seeing Riverdale give more than just passing attention to one of the adults in this town. And the fact that it was FP Jones made it that much better, as he really is one of our favorite adults in town after Fred Andrews of course.
What did you think of “American Dreams?” Were you as happy to see FP Jones getting more of the spotlight as we were? Tell us what you thought in the comments.