15 adorable and super famous pets

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Gus Kenworthy and Birdie

Olympian Gus Kenworthy is a known animal lover, and after he helped shut down a dog meat farm in South Korea, it made perfect sense that he would also adopt a pup or two from the same place. While he sadly lost the first rescue pup he brought home from the Olympics in 2018, Beemo, that didn’t stop the Olympian from adopting a second rescue, Birdie.

Birdie is definitely an amazing addition to Kenworthy’s life. On social media, Birdie is clearly a star, and according to her owner, she is also an influencer (we would have to agree with that influencer assessment). From pictures to videos, there seems to be no end to the posts from Gus Kenworthy, his partner Matt Wilkas, or even Birdie herself. While the famous pup may not be in every single post the two share on social media, she definitely pops up often enough that she is truly unforgettable.

In fact, there was even a birthday celebration for Birdie’s first birthday, which included a special bones shaped cake, party hats, and plenty of doggy smiles. When you consider the fact that Wilkas and Kenworthy actually saw Birdie being born at the dog meat farm, they know exactly when the pup’s birthday is, making the celebration that much more special.

Honestly, we are big fans of Birdie, as she is a sassy pup with a sense of style and a lot of snarky attitude. Plus, the fact that she has no problem saying it like it is, even to her own fathers, makes her the kind of celebrity pet we can’t resist following on social media. Of course, the fact that Birdie is truly adorable certainly helps when it comes to all the pictures and videos that are shared on Instagram.