Game of Thrones season 8 character posters: What you missed

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Image: HBO

Davos Seaworth

Ser Davos Seaworth has never been a fighter the way his title suggests he might be, and he still dresses like it. There’s really not much new to his outfit, and that’s very much the point. The world changes — even Davos’ loyalties have changed over the years — but he’s still the same person we’ve come to know (and appreciate).

Image: HBO

Jaime Lannister

Jaime can’t help but wear his house’s colors, even as more black creeps in to suggest that he’s willing to work with the Targaryen and Stark alliance. It’s still very subdued, but it’s there in his sleeves and then the pop of his golden hand. This is also pretty plain, even for him.

Image: HBO

Brienne of Tarth

There are those studs again, but they’re still not as noticeable as they are for Jorah or even Grey Worm. In fact, the stitched-on squares even call more to Jaime (and Arya to a lesser extent) than they do some of her fellow warriors and armor-wearers. You can also note that she still has Oathkeeper, with the pommel prominently displayed. Jaime and Brienne shippers might be able to take some hope from that.