Walmart’s DC exclusive comics: Your must-have reading guide

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Walmart has been selling exclusive Giant DC Comics since last summer. However, now the chain is adding some new characters to its Giant comic lineup.

Our physical comic collection has taken over most of our shelf space, living area, and our lives. Frankly, we wouldn’t have it any other way because we’re shameless comics media fans.

While we love our trips to our local comic shops so we can get the least issues and search for that floppy comic (you know the one), we also wish comics were distributed in more mainstream stores so that more people can appreciate them. Not that we’re trying to grow our army of comic readers or anything. However, Walmart has been stocking its shelves with select, exclusive DC Comics, and the selection is starting to grow.

Don’t get us wrong: We love our local comics shops, but we also know that not every town is fortunate enough to have a comic shop. As Walmart spokesperson Molly Blakeman told CBR:

"Walmart stores are in many communities that don’t have a specialty comic book shop, so it’s a great way to get our books into people’s hands."

Given that we’re also partial to physical copies — because we love admiring the intricate cover art in person — Walmart’s exclusive comics can help a young generation start their comic collection. After all, Walmart locations are more common than comic shops. We’d say that it can also help get people interested in comics, but the MCU and DCEU and shows like iZombie and The Walking Dead are already working to convert people to comics.

Walmart started selling exclusive comics back in June, and the Giant comic exclusive includes an assortment of hero-specific chapters and issues that help fans learn more about their new favorite characters. Though the Walmart exclusive comics have been around since last summer, the chain is gradually growing its assortment. According to Bleeding Cool, DC Comics has recently added Swamp Thing, Wonder Woman, and The Flash to Walmart’s exclusive Giant comics.

With even more comics lining Walmart shelves this month, we have everything you need to know about each exclusive comic and your new favorite way to treat yourself. (Because we all know comics pair well with impulse snack purchases.)