15 feel-good shows to binge over the holidays

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The Office

Series availability: 9 seasons, 201 episodes
Watch now on Netflix.

I’m not even going to entertainment the idea that there are people out there who haven’t at least seen some seasons of The Office. Like Friends, it really is one of those shows that changed the landscape for TV comedies. Everyone is completely bonkers, and after being thrown into the boring backdrop of a small town paper company, they really get to thrive.

The Office has nine seasons and over 200 episodes, so this will be the perfect show to binge. You can fly through the episodes (which are less than a half hour long) but there are always more to come. You can relive the early days of Jim and Pam, when they were just work besties, but with a romantic tension between them that’s obvious to everyone. You can laugh at every stupid Michael Scott moment as if it were the first time, because they’re still funny.

Even if you’ve watched the episodes a dozen times, you never know what you might learn watching through them again! Maybe there’s a joke you didn’t get, or maybe you’ll have a new appreciation for certain characters this time. You know who’s great every time you watch through the series? Kelly. She just keeps getting better.

Rumors have been swirling about reboots for years — and intensified recently when some of the cast members reunited — but the chances of them coming back together for a new season are slim. And honestly, that’s probably for the best. Sometimes a reboot works, and sometimes it doesn’t. Wouldn’t you rather remember The Office the way it was, preferably before Michael left? Those were better days.