15 reasons why Star Wars is a perfect family holiday movie

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It’s the holiday season! Time to crack out your comfy slippers and get into the festive spirit with a good movie. Why shouldn’t that movie be Star Wars?

It’s the holiday season, which means it’s time to watch holiday movies, right?  But argh, you just don’t fancy It’s A Wonderful Life, and Arthur Christmas just doesn’t do it for you today. But Star Wars on the other hand…it’s not an obvious choice for holiday viewing but we reckon it’s perfect.

Admittedly, there’s never a bad time to watch Star Wars, but the holidays are particularly good because it’s a time for family (Skywalkers), friends (Han and Chewie), love, and joy. Star Wars has it all in spades.

Plus there’s not a Christmas tree in sight, and that’s refreshing during a season of relentlessly jingling bells.

In fact, we’ve got 15 solid reasons why you should pick Star Wars this festive season, and not one of them is the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special.

So let’s break it down for you…

Star Wars unites generations

Star Wars celebrated its 40th birthday last year, and one might expect it to be rare these days, with a franchise that old, to spot a child dressed up as Darth Vader or Leia.

But it is not rare. Like a sturdy old oak tree, Star Wars grows only stronger, with more branches, and everyone from those who saw it as adults in 1977, to those who saw it as kids, right down to those fans who are children now, count themselves part and parcel of the Star Wars fandom. It spans, and unites, generations.

Pleasing everyone during the holidays can be difficult, we know. Maybe Dad wants to watch Die Hard for the 600th time, or your sister wants to watch The Christmas Prince: A Royal Wedding every day for the next year. It might seem like there’s no way to please everyone. But there is.

And honestly, it’s Star Wars. Take it from me, the lone Star Wars fan in a family of heathens. There is simply no way that, if you put Star Wars on, someone won’t get drawn in. The sense of adventure is irresistible, and John Williams’ music alone is enough to pull up heads from crosswords and eyes from phones.

Children and adults alike love Star Wars. Those that have seen it will no doubt not be disappointed to see it again, and those that haven’t will be excited to finally understand all those references in other media (Rachel dressing as who on Friends? Is that a robot hieroglyph in Indiana Jones?). Even Captain America himself has Star Wars on his list of things to catch up on, so you know it’s culturally significant.

Please the whole family this holiday season. Watch Star Wars.