Captain Marvel: Could she be a Skrull and does it even matter?

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Captain Marvel trailer. Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment.

Why she might be a Skrull

In the scene where Carol is upside down, we initially thought that the Kree were wiping her memories so they could weaponize her new abilities. After replaying scene a few dozen times over and lightening the above clip, there’s a Skrull next to Captain Marvel, which means Carol could be a Skrull agent who’s getting cozy with the Kree to defeat them.

Another Captain Marvel in comic book history also had his identity stolen by the Skrulls. In fact, a couple different Skrulls have replicated Mar-Vell’s likeness in the comics. Once, an unnamed Skrull imposter permanently took on Mar-Vell’s form in X-Men Vol. 2. That’s right: The Skrull army innovated their technology so that the Skrull imposter wouldn’t be detected as anything other than Mar-Vell. During the run, a few other Skrull’s were permanently transformed into various other intergalactic heroes as well.

After the real Mar-Vell died, Skrull Mar-Vell was just haplessly stuck in his Mar-Vell form. He did end up helping some of the X-Men save their fellow mutants, so he wasn’t always evil. However, this Skrull was completely aware that he was a Skrull posed in Mar-Vell’s form.

In Captain Marvel’s film, the Skrull could have a similar plan in their scheming arsenal. The scene where she’s hanging upside down next to a Skrull could be the start of the green shapeshifters’ plan to extract Carol’s memories so that a permanent Carol lookalike could take her place.

Whereas, another Skrull confused his identity with Mar-Vell’s identity — which could be why the potential Skrull Carol we’ll see in theaters on March still acts like a noble, Kree warrior hero.