There is a new villain in Riverdale, and it is definitely not who we would have guessed. With Betty at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, there is a new evil to contend with back home.
Riverdale has a new bad guy, and it is definitely not someone we would have ever imagined. Honestly, did any of us see Ethel Muggs turning into our newest villain? We know we didn’t.
From being the quiet girl, who is obsessed with the game Gryphons and Gargoyles, to the new bully in town, we never would have imagined the role that Ethel would play now that she is at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy with Betty. We actually feel bad for Betty after everything she has been through, and the fact that her own mother had her committed. But, with Ethel there to try to get under her skin, we actually worry about what will happen next for one half of Bughead.
The problem is that thanks to whatever power Ethel has, Betty is now firmly in the grips of the Gargoyle King. And that has us plenty worried, but it also has wondering exactly how Ethel got to this point.
After her visit to the hospital, we never really saw what happened to Ethel. She was forgotten about, left to be a dangling question left unanswered. But now that she is back, we have so many questions — including where has she been and how did she become so close with the head sister at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy?
Here we go. #Riverdale
— Riverdale (@CW_Riverdale) December 6, 2018
The problem is that we may never get the answers to those questions. So, instead, we are left with the fact that she is in this place with Betty and is actively working to take down our girl. Amongst her dark bullying qualities, Ethel has proven herself skilled in the art of lying and brown nosing. Honestly, Ethel is so much more than just a victim or even a bully. From what we’ve seen, she’s more of a villainous mastermind who knows exactly what she needs to do to take down Betty.
With Betty’s future up in the air, and no clue how much longer she is going to be trapped at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, we’ll likely see more of Ethel’s own darkness. And while we never thought she would play as big a role as she is, it seems as if Ethel may just be a vital part of Gryphons and Gargoyles, a part we never expected.
Despite us hoping our girl Betty is kept safe, as viewers and fans, we’re eager to see how this plot twist plays out. Ethel may just be getting started…
The fall finale of Riverdale is coming up, are you ready? We definitely are, and can’t wait to see what’s next for the core four.