Which She-Ra character you’d be, according to your zodiac sign

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) — Bow

Sea Hawk is a born storyteller like a Sagittarius—and his ascending sign likely rests in Sagittarius—but Bow is the true Sagittarius. The overarching wanderlust and residual enthusiasm that comes with it is strong in Bow.

Yearning to travel is tough for any broke Sagittarius to quench, but you also crave adventure in general. Bow might be timid in the face of the gargantuan arthropod in the first episode, but that doesn’t negate the fact that he is always ready for a battle, excursion, or adventurous story. A love of adventurous tales is part of the reason why Bow is so drawn to Sea Hawk when they first meet.

As an optimistic sign, it’s easy to see why Bow heedlessly trusts Adora from the moment he and Glimmer hold her captive in the first episode. Releasing Adora and entrusting her with doing the right thing are both categorically optimistic and risk-tasking traits for a Sagittarius.

Sagittarius are kind-hearted, too. From the first episode, Bow selflessly protects his friends and Adora, who’s a war criminal at the time. Even his small gestures of kindness don’t go unnoticed. When Adora is restrained, he pulls eye-level branches out of her path and helps her step over obstacles, such as fallen trees.

You might not actively protect people around you from getting hit in the face by tree branches, but you are unconsciously considerate of everyone around you.

Which sign are you, and do you think we have it right?