Doctor Who preview: The Doctor and her companions meet Rosa Parks


The new season of Doctor Who continues with our companions’ first trip back to the past — and their first run in with a historical icon — in “Rosa.”

Doctor Who season 11 continues with an episode that’s another piece of Whovian tradition: The new companions’ first proper visit into the past.

Of course, the Doctor promised to return her new friends home after she relocated her TARDIS. But what person in this history of this show has ever turned down a ride in a time machine? Looks like Ryan, Yaz and Graham are no different.

So, for whatever reason, the Doctor and company will next head to the American Deep South of 1955. There (or then perhaps?), they’ll meet historical icon Rosa Parks, who’ll be played by guest star (and former Sherlock actress) Vinette Robinson. The group will attempt to “keep history in order” in the face of a mysterious figure who seems to be trying to disrupt her famous protest against the state’s segregated transportation.

The official BBC synopsis reads as follows:

"Montgomery, Alabama. 1955. The Doctor and her friends find themselves in the Deep South of America. As they encounter a seamstress by the name of Rosa Parks, they begin to wonder whether someone is attempting to change history."

“Rosa” is one of those episodes that may have some viewers feeling apprehensive. Doctor Who is a British show after all, and doesn’t always have the firmest of handles on how to present or interrogate the complicated issues surrounding race in America.

How will an episode that not only specifically visits the Jim Crow South, but one which presents a version of one of the Civil Rights Movement’s greatest icons at the same time, handle these complicated issues? Is Doctor Who up to the task?

Hopefully, the answer is yes. Or, at least, the trailer looks like a good start.

“Rosa” is penned by the first black screenwriter in the series’ 55-year history, the former Children’s Laureate Malorie Blackman, who has written over 60 books for children and young adults.

“I’ve always loved Doctor Who,” she said in the official statement announcing her involvement. “Getting the chance to write for this series has definitely been a dream come true.”

It sounds like Rosa Parks couldn’t be in better hands.

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Doctor Who season 11 continues Sunday, October 21 at 8/7 C.T. on BBC America.