15 reasons why The Nightmare Before Christmas is still a timeless classic 25 years later

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The music

Considering how important the music is to The Nightmare Before Christmas as a whole, it makes sense that it would make the list of reasons we continue to watch the film. We find the music both bizarre and addictive, but in the best ways possible. The lyrics are either odd and even creepy, or they tell the story of these characters and their lives.

From the opening act of “This Is Halloween” to “Kidnap the Sandy Claws,” and of course “Oogie Boogie’s Song,” the music is strange but oddly fascinating. And when you consider the kind of movie we are watching, strange and fascinating are perfect descriptors (and truly fitting). At times, there is so much energy to the music that you can’t help but feel drawn in and want to start both moving and singing along to the different songs.

However, while you enjoy singing and dancing, the music is still loaded with creepiness, which makes it perfect for the overall feel of the movie. Without the music, there is no story (as this is a true musical movie), and that is what makes it an important reason we watch every chance we get. That and the fact we get to sing about Christmas and Halloween in one movie.