This woman’s song went viral for mocking Donald Trump’s ‘scary time for men’ comment


A parody song that mocks Trump’s comments about it being a “scary time” for men is making its way around the internet and being praised by many.

As usual, Trump had some pretty gross comments to make regarding women and sexual assault. When talking about Kavanaugh and the sexual assault allegations against him, Trump referred to our current political climate as a “scary time” for men.

A parody song mocking this statement has made its way around the internet. The song, called “A Scary Time,” was put on social media by Lynzy Lab, a dancer and singer from Texas.

The song talks about all of the ways that women live their lives to avoid being assaulted or harassed by men. Some of the lyrics to the song include,

“I can’t walk to my car late at night while on the phone, I can’t open up my windows when I’m home alone,” she sings while she plays the ukulele.

The sarcastic humor is funny but also distressing. Almost all women know what this is like. Women have always had to worry about their actions and try to be careful. Things are and have been scary for women and others who aren’t cis straight men, and this song calls attention to this fact in a memorable way.

In the song, she also sings: “It’s really tough when your reputation’s on the line and any woman you’ve assaulted could turn up anytime… It’s not such a scary time for boys. They’ve always had the upper hand; they’ve always had a choice.”

At the end of the song, she calls for women and others to vote on Nov. 6.

Gaining lots of popularity, the song has been shared by outlets like NowThis Politics and has over 14 million views on Facebook.

Mark Ruffalo even shared the song on Twitter on Sunday night, writing in two tweets:

"Listen to women like @MercedesLynz to give you an idea of the world as they experience it.We are evolving toward greater equality, which is a great thing for us ALL. Don’t be afraid to have greater awareness. It can not harm you nor diminish you."

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We are loving this song, and we are glad that it is making its way around the internet. It’s been a rough couple of weeks and extremely distressing for many victims of sexual assault after Kavanaugh’s confirmation. We know Trump won’t listen, but we are glad that people continue to speak out against the horrible things he says, anyway.