10 best horror films to watch on Netflix right now

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It’s the most wonderful time of year. The time of dead leaves and PSLs, crisp air and apple cider — and horror movies. Lots and lots of horror movies.

Luckily for horror fans, a world of quality horror films awaits for anyone with a Netflix subscription. From fun and campy to truly terrifying, the options may not be unlimited but they sure are extensive. Though Netflix currently lacks many classic horror movies like Night of the Living Dead or Halloween, it hosts a ton of modern classics to make up for it (as well as a couple gems from the ’80s, which you’ll find on this list).

Certainly, horror is one of the most subjective genres out there; a movie one person can only watch through their fingers might be a total yawn-fest for the gal in the next row. Everyone scares different. But whether your poison is haunted mirrors, demonic possession, masked killers, or extended metaphors about the burdens of motherhood, you’ll find something you’re bound to love here.

And of course, one of the best things about horror movies is that they tend to be so short. Why watch one three-hour movie when you could watch two 90-minute horror movies? Well, there’s probably a good argument to be made against it, but hey, it’s an option.

So break out the kettle corn and the Halloween candy (the best part about being an adult is that you can eat it whenever you want) and kick back with any one of these hair-raising horror specials. Or if you’re feeling especially brave, watch them all. Just be ready to sleep with a nightlight.