Wonder Woman of the Week: Captain Marvel


We are so excited about getting another female-led superhero movie that we had to make Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel, our Wonder Woman of the Week.

Our Wonder Woman of the Week isn’t Wonder Woman, but she is another amazing superhero. With all of the hype surrounding Captain Marvel this week, we just couldn’t resist. While we are still waiting for the trailer (which we are guessing will be coming out soon) the first-look info that Entertainment Weekly released this week has us extremely excited about the film.

Even though we have to wait until next March to see the movie, what we are seeing and hearing so far has us really hopeful. It’s about time that we get a female-led solo movie from Marvel, and we think Carol Danvers is a perfect choice.

In an interview with EW, Brie Larson talked a bit about her character and what she is like. And we are thrilled to hear that she is going to be a well-rounded, complicated hero.

Larson had a lot of insight into the character:

"Carol Danvers…is very flawed…She’s anything but godlike: She’s aggressive and brash, impulsive and hotheaded. She’s the first one to rush into battle, and she doesn’t always wait for orders. She tells bad jokes."

We need more female heroes like this, and, to be honest, we just need a variety of superheroes and portrayals of women. While there have been many amazing, hilarious, powerful, complex women in the MCU, they have never been the lead character in a solo film. The photos of Carol Danvers also suggest a woman who is realistic and relatable. Her superhero outfit, for example, is practical and covers her in the same way that male superheroes are often covered.

Larson also gave some more insight into the character and her internal conflicts:

"You have this Kree part of her that’s unemotional, that is an amazing fighter and competitive. Then there’s this human part of her that is flawed but is also the thing that she ends up leading by. It’s the thing that gets her in trouble, but it’s also the thing that makes her great. And those two sides warring against each other is what makes her her."

Marvel superheroes tend to work best when they are complex and make mistakes. They often aren’t afraid to let their heroes deal with nuanced internal struggles, and we are glad that they are taking this same approach with Captain Marvel.

Brie Larson also said in the interview that, “Just seeing a character who says how she feels and says what’s on her mind and doesn’t let people stand in her way is incredibly empowering.”

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So far, everything we’ve seen and heard about this character and film seems like just the type of superhero we need right now, and we can’t wait to see more.