These freshman vs senior year memes are perfect for back to school

Back to school season is here, and a Twitter meme has us all saying #relatable. Whether you’re headed back to school or not, these memes will make you laugh.

August is almost over which means back to school time is here. With schools back in, or almost back in, session, people returning to school are back to creating relatable internet memes about the experience. Even for those of us no longer in school, it is easy to remember that feeling of waking up for the first day of classes and all the emotions that come along with that experience.

People all over Twitter have been sharing “the first day of freshman year of college” vs. “first day of senior year of college” memes, and they are pretty dang funny. If you’ve ever been in school, whether high school or college, you can likely relate to the feelings so well expressed in these memes.

We’ve collected a few of our favorites here to share with you.

First off, we have a topical approach with Amy Adams.

And this one featuring Emma Roberts that highlight the fresh-eyed, innocent excitement of being a freshman versus the jaded, worn down look of senior year.

Then, there is the matter of being prepared. Before your first day of freshman year, the anxiety is real. You are at peak preparedness. As for seniour year, let’s just say the effort put in beforehand is pretty low.

The effort you put into your appearance as a senior is not so high, either. At this point, you’re just trying to make it through and onto graduation.

Of course, Luke Skywalker himself helped one Twitter user illustrate the meme:

If you’re headed back to school, whether a freshman, senior, or in between, we wish you good luck and good grades this school year! For the rest of us, we will laugh at these memes with nostalgia in our hearts and a lot of relief.

(H/T HelloGiggles)