New DC Universe and Titans details: How much does the service cost?

Still on the fence about DC Universe and Titans alike? Thanks to the DC Daily Show, fans finally know how much they’ll need to shell out.

Whether or not you’re particularly into what we’ve seen of Titans so far, the idea of DC Universe itself might still appeal to you. After all, it’s beyond just another subscription service where you can watch old TV and movies as well as exclusive series — as DC Comics itself has been adamant in pointing out, access to classic comics as well as the chance to shop for new merch as well. In short, the Universe is more like Xbox Gold or PlayStation Plus more than Netflix or Hulu.

Fortunately, it’s more like the latter than the former in terms of pricing. As revealed on the DC Daily Show, it’ll run $74.99 for a year, or $7.99 monthly. Should you opt for the yearly option, that’ll save you around $1.75 a month.

Let’s face it, though: the exclusive series are what usually draw people to subscribe for a service. The batch of information on DC Universe did include more looks at every series announced thus far, but we’ll focus on Titans as well as the upcoming Harley Quinn animated series.

To put it in the nicest terms possible, if you didn’t like Titans‘ first trailer, then the following art might make you crack up. This writer is in no way speaking from personal experience here.

Let’s start with our favorite teenage rebel who swears now.

Titans key art. Image via Warner Bros.

Why is Robin attacking wood? Did the wood snap and end up causing the accident that killed his parents? Is that too soon? We know Batman’s particularly sensitive about it, but we also know that this Robin’s opinion of Batman is particularly low.

Titans key art. Image via Warner Bros.

Starfire at least has her signature glowing green eyes, although she doesn’t look like she’s using starbolts so much as just straight-up fire. We’re not mad about it, just a little confused.

Also, the fur coat really doesn’t go with the purple leather.

Titans key art. Image via Warner Bros.

This is the most normal of these photos, and this is Beast Boy.

You know, this isn’t how this usually works. The weird scratches also seem poorly photoshopped in … just saying, Titans.

Titans key art. Image via Warner Bros.

This is not art for Titans. This is mislabeled art for the next Conjuring movie. Raven is hugging Annabelle’s cousin.

Let’s look at something that isn’t quite as disappointing. Here’s the art for Harley Quinn.

Harley Quinn key art. Image via Warner Bros./DC.

Poison Ivy being completely unamused by her sometime-girlfriend’s getting up on the bar is so perfectly Ivy that it’s great.

Titans will premiere on Oct. 12, with 12 episodes and one episode released a week; DC Universe will arrive on Sept. 15. No release date for Harley Quinn has been announced just yet.

What do you make of this news? Are you going to subscribe?