The best New York City spots you can actually visit from Marvel movies and TV shows

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Grand Central Station (Avengers)

Remember the battle with the Chitauri in the Avengers? During a few scenes in the battle (like the part where they all epically assemble with the Hulk), you can see them on Park Avenue with Grand Central behind them. At one point, Thor and Hulk even stumbled into the station — just before the Hulk gives Thor one big knockout.

Grand Central was also featured heavily with Spider-Man’s storyline in other content. He’d go there to pick up Aunt May, or a hero would be escorted through there on their way into the city. Basically, there tends to be a lot of attention given to Grand Central.

And it makes sense. It’s a hub for a lot of New York traffic, and one of the more prominent staples of the city. Can we see the Avengers showing up at Grand Central and looking up at the sky depicted on the ceiling? It’d be a nice gesture! But if not, there are at least have some instances where we can see the station or know that they had been there.

What you can do:

  • Look up! The ceiling in Grand Central Station is famous for its galaxy artwork and is definitely something to check out. (Plus, did you know the constellations were actually painted backwards?)
  • Go shopping. That’s right, Grand Central has a lot of stores to look at, including an Apple store.
  • Eat your way through the station. You might want to check out Art Bird, whose restaurant is run by Lady Gaga’s dad.

Location: 89 E 42nd St, New York, NY

How to get there: This is Grand Central, a train hub! The 4/5/6, 7 and S all service Grand Central-42nd Street. But most all train lines hit 42nd Street around this area, so you have your pick!

Cost: Free!