Discover the most popular movie the year you were born

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1971 – A Clockwork Orange

Alex and the boys of A Clockwork Orange are very telling. Moreso in regards to the men who look up to them in real life but still. Another Stanley Kubrick classic, the movie is based on the novel by Anthony Burgess and shows the destruction of homes a group of young men cause.

Obviously, there are consequences and that’s a lovely part of the story because you hate these boys for what they do but at the same time, there are fans of the film today who praise Alex and his band of friends. Which is surprising and also terrifying.

A look at the destructive nature of man, this is just a movie that really makes it easy to see who you can trust and who you probably shouldn’t. Much like how you know that a dude who really likes Fight Club isn’t great, a guy who looks at A Clockwork Orange and says that he feels bad, run.

Then again, A Clockwork Orange is a fantastic film and the story is cautionary if you look at it the right way. Alex is not someone you want to be and the movie reflects that.