Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger season 1 episode 9 preview: Back Breaker

Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger closes in on its season finale, as Tandy and Tyrone try to move on from last week’s realizations

Last week’s episode of Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger truly was a doozy. Not only did Tandy get the evidence she needed to bring down Roxxon, but Tyrone got his confession out of Detective Connors.

Everything is coming up Milhouse, right? Well, not so much.

It’s going to take some time before Connors truly gets what’s coming to him, if he even does. And from the previews for this week’s episode, O’Reilly’s in some trouble. (That and her boyfriend getting murdered and stuffed in his own fridge.)

And Tandy went back on her threats to Roxxon, instead opting for the money to keep quiet, as she and Tyrone discovered her father’s physically abusive nature toward her mom.

Here’s the official synopsis for this week’s episode, courtesy of Freeform:

"When triumph turns sour, both Tandy and Tyrone regress back to their old ways. But after everything that has happened, and actions that have been set into motion, can they truly go back to the way things once were? Meanwhile, Det. O’Reilly tries to deal with the recent fallout."

MARVEL’S CLOAK & DAGGER – “Back Breaker” – This episode of “Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger” airs Thursday, July 26 (8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT) on Freeform. (Freeform/Alfonso Bresciani)


I’m most worried about Detective O’Reilly. Without the knockoff Avett brother cop on her side/dead, does she have anyone at the precinct? And how will all of this unfold? Billy’s murder was covered up so well, who knows the repercussions that will come out now? How will Tyrone’s parents take it all?

You have to feel for Tandy, too, discovering that side of her dad through her mom’s memories. The show also frames it as a very rash decision. Will she end up going back on that deal and uncovering Roxxon anyway?

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Just keep Ivan and Mina Hess out of harm’s way, and I’m sure it’ll be fine. Right? …Right?