15 TV episodes we’ll never get tired of watching

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Will & Grace, “Gypsies, Tramps and Weed”

On a lighter note, here’s an LGBTQ story that doesn’t involve anyone dying, but instead features a cameo by the ultimate gay icon: Cher.

On this episode of Will & Grace (which is named after Cher’s song “Gypsys, Tramps and Thieves”), Will, Grace, and Jack are celebrating Will’s birthday. Things aren’t going well at dinner because of an unprofessional waiter, but Grace is determined to give her bestie the best birthday possible. She gives him a gift certificate for a psychic named Psychic Sue, which the practical Will scoffs at.

Jack’s gift wasn’t any better, considering he bought Will a Cher doll, knowing that Will would just give it back to him. Jack is Cher’s biggest fan, and is obviously so shocked when Will hands it right back to him. Yet again, Will had a bad birthday, but he was about to get news that shook him up even more.

When he reluctantly visits Psychic Sue, nothing she says leaves an impression on him, especially when she says he’ll be reunited with a “she” that he loved. He storms out of her apartment, but not before letting her know that he’s gay. But when all of her predictions somehow come true, he rushes back over and asks to know about what’s in store for his love life.

She says the words that Will never wants to hear: the man he will spend the rest of his life with’s name starts with a J. And that’s all Psychic Sue gets, just….J. He immediately thinks of Jack, his best friend that he certainly does not want to end up with.

The best part of this episode, by far, is still when Jack brings his Cher doll out for dinner. He gives Cher her own seat and everything, which Will and Grace obviously find weird and decide to leave. That’s when none other than Cher herself comes up to Jack to tell him that it really is weird that he’s walking around with her doll.

But if you can believe it, Jack thinks that Cher is a DRAG QUEEN, and insists he can do a better Cher than she can, and then challenges the REAL CHER, to a Cher-off. It ends with Cher slapping Jack across the face and shouting the iconic line, “Snap out of it!” That’s when Jack realizes it was the real Cher, and he faints.