15 TV episodes we’ll never get tired of watching

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Friends, “The One Where Everybody Finds Out”

Friends is an amazing show and everybody loves it (if you don’t, who are you?) so we couldn’t include just one episode on our list!

As you probably know, on season 5 of Friends, Monica and Chandler were in the midst of a secret love affair. They started sleeping with each other in London after Ross’ ill-fated wedding to Emily, and then it continued when they got back stateside. It ended up being more serious than anyone thought, but they didn’t want to tell any of their friends so that they wouldn’t ruin it or make things weird.

Joey finds out after Monica and Chandler go on a weekend getaway together — and he may be dumb, but he put two and two together and they had to tell him. Rachel finds out next when she hears the two of them talking on the phone, and she finally realizes who Monica has been sneaking around with.

But on “The One Where Everybody Finds Out,” Phoebe and Ross finally find out about the two of them, and it wouldn’t be Friends if things went smoothly. Ugly Naked Guy’s apartment across the street goes up for rent, and Ross wants it. When he’s checking it out with Phoebe and Rachel, Phoebe sees Chandler and Monica doing it in the window and she starts screaming (see above).

Ross doesn’t know, though, so they have to keep it a secret, and when he comes in to see what all the screaming is about, they pretend they’re just really excited about him getting that apartment. Since Phoebe knows now, Joey thinks they should just tell Monica and Chandler that they all know, but instead, to Joey’s dismay, they decide to have some fun.

Phoebe pretends to be interested in Chandler by squeezing his biceps and playing coy. Chandler is freaking out, but Monica immediately knows something is up, and realizes they must know. Joey spills the beans, of course, but instead of everyone just admitting they know, Monica convinces Chandler to play along with Phoebe. Then Phoebe and Rachel find out that Monica and Chandler know that they know. “They don’t know that we know they know we know!

Phoebe tries to seduce Chandler, and Chandler tries to go along, but neither of them will back down. Finally, Chandler admits that he loves Monica, and all the friends realize that this is more than just a fling. Oh, and Ross? He finds out the same way Phoebe did, by seeing his best friend and his sister doing it through the window. Needless to say, he wasn’t as touched as the rest of them.