Here are 25 movies you should watch if you love the actors from the DCEU!

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The Grand Budapest Hotel

Showing off a true Wes Anderson dream world, The Grand Budapest Hotel is filled with quirky characters, a plot that seemingly comes out of nowhere, and some of the most beautiful shots in any movie to date. Starring Willem Dafoe (who plays Nuidius Vulko in the upcoming Aquaman), it is a very incredible introduction to both his style of acting and Anderson films in general.

The thing about Anderson as a director is that he likes to use the same actors over and over again. The Grand Budapest Hotel was not the first time he worked with Dafoe, and it’s probably not going to be the last either.

It makes sense, though. The director writes these characters with the actors in his vision. And if it continues to create amazing stories like the one in The Grand Budabest Hotel, it is worth seeing the same cast return film after film.

There really isn’t much to say about the movie without giving major spoilers away. It is beautiful, creative, filled with a talented cast, and one movie that you won’t regret watching. After all, who wouldn’t love to see Lord Voldemort and the Green Goblin in the same movie, running around a hotel and trying to hide secrets from the authorities?