All 16 Queer Eye makeovers ranked (so yes, get the tissues)

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Queer Eye season 1 episode 5 production still. Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.

7. Bobby, “Camp Rules” (S1, E5)

When you’re the father of six young children, you can’t be expected to look your best all the time, and your house is definitely going to be an even bigger mess than you are.

Bobby Camp works two jobs, at an engineering firm from 9-5, and then goes from there to work another shift at a home improvement store at night. He only sleeps around two hours a night, and his wife Vera nominated him because he never takes time for himself and she wants to thank him for all he does for their family. Their house is pure chaos, and Bobby looks like a homeless person, according to Vera, so he was in desperate need of a visit from the Fab Five.

It’s not surprising to find out that Bobby rarely spends money on himself and wears mostly hand me downs that are too big for him. Jonathan put it perfectly: “Baby Bobbers is struggs to func. That’s struggling to function.” As soon as Jonathan takes that beard off and gives him a snazzy new haircut, he looks like an entirely different person. Giving us handsome daddy realness!

It’s normal for a father, especially one with six children who works two jobs, to let himself go. But this makeover helped Bobby realize that sometimes it’s okay to treat yourself a little bit! And when you look that good, why not put in a little more effort? Even on two hours of sleep, Bobbers looked refreshed, and best of all, happy.

The Fab Five didn’t just give him a haircut and get him into some real clothes that actually fit, they organized his life to try and give him just a little bit of rest from the chaos. Bobby outdid himself with this home makeover. He cleaned up the disaster of their living room, kitchen, and dining room areas, and put in some great organizational tricks for Bobby to teach his children with.

You can tell there’s already less stress on Bobby as he shows the kids around the newly-decorated house and points out all the ways they can keep the house organized. Of course, that house will probably get a bit chaotic — there are six kids after all — but Queer Eye helped them take a step in the right direction, and I really think it will help them going forward.