Marvel fan creates awesome poster imagining all-female Avengers team

A creative fan imagined the MCU’s female superheroes as the A-Force, the all-female superhero team in Marvel Comics, and we wish it were real.

There may not be any word on an all-female Avengers movie just yet, but now we at least have a small idea of what something like that could look like.

One very talented fan created a special poster that brings some of the MCU ladies onto one cinematic poster. The poster was shared by Reddit user evokkin1 and features characters from across all the MCU movies. Featured are Valkyrie, Okoye, Nebula, The Wasp, Mantis, Scarlet Witch, Scarlet Widow, Captain Marvel, and Gamora.

The team, of course, would be called the A-Force, named after the all-female team that first emerged in the Secret Wars comic book storyline.

"A-force poster from marvelstudios"

One user in the comments mentioned some of the other A-Force members who could make it into the possible movie. We’re talking She-Hulk, Jessica Jones, Ms. Marvel, Elektra, Rogue and so many more.

If only Disney could seal the deal with Fox to get some of those X-Men characters back, and the Marvel execs wouldn’t mind its Netflix characters making their way into the movies. (We’re sure someone like Krysten Ritter wouldn’t mind appearing on the big screen as Jessica Jones.)

While there have been rumors about an all-female movie happening, there are a few things going on in the Marvel Studios world that could certainly set something up like this in the future.

Black Widow is finally going to get her solo movie with an unchosen female director taking the lead (even though we’re a bit iffy on Scarlett Johansson right now). There’s also a Ms. Marvel movie coming, and Kevin Feige says the studio plans to add more female directors onto MCU projects in the future.

That means an all-female Avengers movie is bound to happen at some point, right? We’ve said it before and we can say it again: if Ocean’s 8 and the Ghostbusters remake can pull it off, so can Marvel.

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Which other female superheroes would you like to see in an A-Force movie? We’re adding Shuri to our list right now.