Wonder Woman 1984 should have some shocks for Steve Trevor, since he looks like a fish out of water in the latest look from the set.
One of the parts of Wonder Woman that doesn’t always get enough credit is its treatment of Diana’s experiences of the wider world for the first time. They’re funny, but not in the sense that we’re meant to laugh at Diana so much as laugh with her and experience some of her joy. (Wonder Woman thinks ice cream is delicious, thus justifying pretty much every time I eat some.) It seems that part of Wonder Woman 1984 might include reversing the scenario and introducing Steve Trevor to a new, unknown world of his own: the year 1984.
That’s the gist we’re getting from the photos Just Jared posted of filming. There aren’t any new costumes to analyze here (although we do note that Steve can also apparently rock a fanny pack), but there are a few details that should be broken down.
The first is, of course, the look on Chris Pine’s face. Bewildered just barely covers it, while Diana looks absolutely confident with that big smile on her face. Other photos have her looking more determined, though.
Additionally, Just Jared notes that the two are leaving a museum. While it might not be anything in particular, it is somewhat intriguing that the first image featuring Kristen Wiig as Barbara Minerva (better known as Cheetah) also seems to be set in a museum. Granted, that photo is inside a museum, while these two are outside it, but it’s certainly something to wonder about.
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Okay, back to that fanny pack. What on earth is inside it? Why is it so wonderful to see Steve wearing it apparently completely unironically? We don’t have answers to either of those questions. What we do know is that Wonder Woman 1984 arrives next year.