25 movies with Marvel actors you should definitely watch

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Silver Linings Playbook (Bradley Cooper)

Jennifer Lawrence won an Oscar for this movie and while she’s part of the Marvel world, it isn’t an MCU movie. So, instead, we’ll focus on Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook. Much like the other Marvel actors, Bradley Cooper has quite the career to look at.

But if The Hangover isn’t really your thing, Silver Linings Playbook is a great way to introduce yourself to his work (as well as his face). What’s the most surprising thing is that people don’t realize that Bradley Cooper is even part of the MCU. That’s mainly because he provides a voice for Rocket Raccoon.

To be quite honest, this movie is a little out there. Cooper and Lawrence play two people with anger issues who meet and decide to join a dance competition (even though they are terrible dancers) and end up falling in love (as one does when they lose a dance competition).

The cast is pretty incredible with Robert DeNiro and more, but the movie is known now for being the reason Jennifer Lawrence won her Academy Award. Bradley Cooper was nominated for Best Actor but, unfortunately, lost out to Daniel Day-Lewis in Lincoln. Who knows though, maybe he’ll win for Rocket Raccoon some day?