25 movies with Marvel actors you should definitely watch

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Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (Robert Downey Jr.)

Okay let’s be honest, this movie is out there and wild but Robert Downey Jr. looks maybe the hottest he’s ever been in a movie. Based around a man on the run from the police who stumbles into an audition for a movie, the film stars Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer.

It was part of Robert’s come back after his arrest in 1998. For those who don’t know, Robert Downey Jr. struggled for many years with a drug addiction. The movie Less than Zero has been said to be very accurate to the path that RDJ was heading down.

While that is another film that fans would enjoy, Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang is more the Robert Downey Jr. we’ve come to know and love throughout the last few years.

RDJ is an interesting actor to look at because he clearly has two divides in his career: the drug phase and the comeback. He worked hard to reboot his image to the point where some of the Marvel fans do not recognize the struggle he endured prior to taking on the mantel of Tony Stark. Basically, he’s had quite the life and he is amazing as Tony.