25 amazing fan art images from the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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19. Natasha Romanoff

Natasha Romanoff is a fan favorite. Is it because she was the only female Avengers for far too long? Maybe, but also she’s pretty incredible. It is a shame that we’ve waited years and she still doesn’t have her own solo movie but that’s beside the point. Let’s make four more Iron Man movies first, right?

While many of us are bitter that she isn’t focused on more (me very clearly included), fans love to draw her. The Black Widow has a long and interesting story in the comic book world and while it is upsetting that they diminished her in Avengers: Age of Ultron to a love interest, we can still realize her full potential in the artwork.

Why this interpretation is so interesting is because of her outfit. Normally, she’s in a tight black leotard with her shape prominent. This look? It’s a red turtleneck and black dress, her colors, and it focuses on her face rather than her body.

The artist clearly cares about Natasha and that is more beautiful than anything else. For so long, she was who women looked to in the MCU and to see her appreciated like this work is outstanding for longtime fans of hers.