25 amazing fan art images from the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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4. Spider Gwen by Tokyokookie

Will we ever see Spider-Gwen in a Marvel movie? Well, hopefully, because she’s honestly one of the best additions to the Marvel canon. Gwen Stacy, the first girlfriend to Peter Parker who died at, basically, the hand of Spider-Man himself becomes the hero instead. In an alternate universe, Gwen is bitten by the radioactive spider instead of Peter and thus Spider-Woman (or Spider-Gwen) is born.

She’s great simply because girls get to see a female Spider-Man. For years, girls everywhere have loved Peter Parker and his superhero alter-ego Spider-Man. We wanted to be him just as badly as little boys did.

The problem was that we weren’t seen as the hero. We were his girlfriends, either Gwen or MJ. But with this alternate Earth series, finally girls have the chance to see themselves as Spider-Woman.

The artist does a pretty incredible job of including the fun nature of Gwen with her pretty awesome look. A white and pink spidey suit, Gwen is all about being cool as her hero self and it makes her that much more appealing to the audience.

Spider-Gwen is just one of those characters that helps girls everywhere feel more included in the superhero fandom. And it helps that she is pretty awesome too.