25 amazing fan art images from the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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17. Shuri and T’Challa

Black Panther sent shock waves through fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the best way. Mainly because it brought us the relationship between Shuri and T’Challa. The king and princess of Wakanda have the best brother and sister relationship on screen.

Beforehand, our options for brother/sister love was pretty much limited to Wanda and Pietro Maximoff but now with Shuri and T’Challa, we can see what it is like with them and honestly, it is one of the best relationships in the entire MCU.

She doesn’t care that her brother is king; he’s her brother. She treats him as if they are kids again, roasting his choice of shoes and making fun of him at any turn because that’s the kind of sibling relationship they have. Both of these characters became some of the most loved in the series within minutes on screen.

Again, another simple rendering, this artist captures that beautiful relationship between brother and sister in a way that makes us love T’Challa and Shuri just that much more.