15 summer movies to watch with the comfort of your AC

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(500) Days of Summer

Nobody said every movie on this list would have a happy ending. Just because it’s summertime, doesn’t mean you can’t have your heart broken.

(500) Days of Summer is not a love story, but instead the story of Tom, a romantic, who falls for a girl who warns him she doesn’t believe in relationships. Tom fell for Summer the second he saw her in the greeting card office he works at, and the two quickly became involved. The entire movie goes back and forth in time, showing Tom heartbroken after their love affair inevitably dies, and showing the two of them at their happiest.

When they were happy, they would go record shopping, run around in IKEA, and even play the “penis game” in public. They’re definitely more than friends — proven by their sexual chemistry — but Summer still asserts the fact that she doesn’t want a relationship. As demonstrated by the flash-forwards, it doesn’t end well for them.

Did we include this movie just because it has the word “summer” in the title? Maybe. But is it a great movie to watch while holed up in your bedroom wrapped in a duvet, ignoring the beautiful sunny day outside? Definitely!

While it doesn’t work out for Tom and Summer, you can still enjoy the happy times they had together, and it helps you realize that there’s not always a happy ending. But Tom does meet (spoiler) a lovely girl named Autumn at the end of the movie, so who knows, maybe there is a happy ending?

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Did we miss one of your favorite summer movies? Let us know what you love to binge-watch while staying indoors during those hot summer days.