They may be terrible, but these are 15 TV characters we love to hate

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Lemon Breeland – Hart of Dixie

What’s her deal: Lemon Breeland is the resident mean girl on a little show called Hart of Dixie, starring Rachel Bilson and Scott Porter. Bilson plays the Yankee transplant to the small Alabama Gulf Coast town of Bluebell. Porter plays Lemon’s long-suffering fiance, and he bears the brunt of her tantrums. She is tightly wound and rigid, and mostly dresses like a 1950s housewife.

She is easily threatened, and spends most of her time making her clique of similarly antiquated “belles” do her bidding. Preoccupied with decorum, tradition, and manners, she’s about as judgmental and insufferable as you can get. I’m from the South, and I can attest that my mother had at least three women like this in her Sunday School class.

Why we love her anyway: Despite Lemon’s uptight demeanor, she refuses to allow anyone to disrespect her. She’s scary in that way, and I admire a woman who can hold so firm to their own boundaries. No matter how much people push against them or tease her for her old fashioned values, she holds firm. That’s a girl after my own heart.

Also, and this is in no way putting a value on the way she looks, but she can rock a red lip like no other. Even though she’s a huge fan of a matching twin set and a string of pearls, she’s always so put together. Lemon slays, folks.

Where to find her: All four seasons of Hart of Dixie are on Netflix. Do yourself a favor and check into this show. It’s sweet and silly, and is a perfect palate cleanser if you’ve recently watched anything with lots of gore or violence.