E3 2018: The 10 best trailers you have to see again

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The Last of Us Part II

We all knew it was coming, and we still were blown away by it. Come on. From the transitions between gameplay and cutscene to the hints at the wider world interrupting Ellie’s new community, The Last of Us Part II looks like it’s well on its way to being just as beloved as the first game is.

Fallout 76

Much like Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, we knew Fallout 76 existed. But we got to see a little more at E3 over the past few days, including confirmation on setting (both time and place) as well as a glimpse at the basic story. There was also a special edition announced at Bethesda’s show.

Gears 5

After a fake-out announcement of a few companion games in the series, Gears 5 finally made its appearance at the Microsoft showcase with a cinematic trailer that promised a pretty serious outing in the series. (Then again, most of the games are pretty serious. It comes with the territory, really.)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Nintendo spent about half of its E3 Direct on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and we’re not complaining one tiny bit about that.

Ridley is in the game. Every single character that’s ever been in the franchise is in the game. Daisy is now her own character. There are redesigns galore. Nintendo basically barraged viewers with information, and it’s not so much a trailer as it is granting a solid 85% of our Smash-related wishes.

Death Stranding

We still don’t know what exactly Death Stranding is about, but we kind of know what the baby is for, at least? Confirming that there’s more to the cast than just Mads Mikkelsen and Norman Reedus, the latest look at Death Stranding has … well … also confirmed that the game still exists in some form.

Yeah, I’m still confused even after a few days to think about it. But gosh, is it nice to look at.

Honorable mentions:

Next: Super Smash Bros. Invitational tournament results

What were your top trailers at E3?