20 essential songs for your Pride Month playlist

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“Vogue” by Madonna

Speaking of gay icons, you know we had to include one of the biggest of them all!

Madonna grew up in New York as a dancer, and found her way into the queer scene. She was inspired by vogue dancers and choreographers Jose Gutierez Xtravaganza and Luis Xtravaganza, who were part of the Ball scene in Harlem. Voguing was an underground dance phenomenon usually performed in the gay club scene, and with Madonna’s hit single “Vogue”, it became a worldwide sensation.

Madonna didn’t just become a gay icon because of her influence on vogue culture in New York. Her string of hits and her unique style, as well as her high-energy, provocative performances, definitely helped solidify her title, but what made her a true friend of the LGBTQ community was her dedication to spreading awareness about HIV and AIDS.

She stood by her gay friends, some of whom were HIV positive, even when others cast them away. Even though it could’ve killed her career, Madonna used her platform to spread awareness about the virus and advocated for people to get tested and be safe, even handing out flyers about HIV awareness and safe sex at her concerts.

With “Vogue”, Madonna helped bring LGBTQ culture to the mainstream, at a time when they were being shunned. Thankfully, “Vogue” was also a great song, and for all these reasons mentioned above, it will always be a staple at Pride events. The lyrics encourage us to leave our pain and struggles behind and let the music take over our body. Are you noticing a theme in a lot of the songs on this playlist?