Queer Eye’s season 2 trailer has us yanking out every tissue from the box

We cannot believe a season 2 trailer is finally here for Queer Eye. Get ready friends because the tears will definitely flow.

Run to Costco and get all the tissues because Queer Eye just released its season 2 trailer. It is safe to say all the feelings are about to come. All. of. them.

The Fab Five returns to deliver all the glam makeovers and all the heartwarming reveals. But in true Queer Eye fashion, they’re not simply here to make someone look good. They want to make them feel good too.

In the trailer, we see Antoni, Karamo, Tan, Jonathan, and Bobby doing everything from building a community center for a church to even helping make a proposal happen (Tom and Abby would be so proud). Can you believe?!

Watch the trailer here:

In season 2, we’ll get eight new episodes of the Fab Five helping people who feel down about themselves, inside and out. This season, we’ll get to see a first for the show — the boys will transform their first woman, Tammye, and their first transgender participant, Skyler.

What gets the tears flowing are the people our sweet boys have come to help.

One man says on camera, “What I show to people sometimes might not be the full me.” As Tan remarks in a voiceover during the trailer, men have body issues but “we don’t talk about it as comfortably as we should.”

From the looks of this new season, Tan and the rest of the Queer Eye crew are doing their best to make sure men and women get the tools they need to feel good again — from the new clothes they wear to the confidence they regain.

Near the end of the season 2 trailer, Tammye tells the group they must “continue making the world a better place.” We agree wholeheartedly.

Related Story: Everything you need to know for Queer Eye’s second season

Queer Eye returns to our hearts and homes on June 15 on Netflix.