Game of Thrones astrology: Which character best represents each sign?

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Episode 67 (season 7, episode 7), debut 8/27/17: Sophie Turner.

photo courtesy of HBO

The Earth Signs

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Ned Stark

He may not be the fastest investigator on the planet, and he may not adjust well to places like King’s Landing, but by the Seven, Ned Stark does his best to push through to the truth of the parentage of the three Baratheon children — and nothing, not even threats from Cersei Lannister, will get in his way.

Beyond that, though, notes that Tauruses are “loyal to the core” in general and particularly to their significant others, and Ned and Catelyn probably have the healthiest marriage on the show (even with the Jon Snow issue). He keeps his promise to his sister, Lyanna, to keep Jon safe, and it’s his loyalty that in the end gets him killed.

Virgo (August 23 – Sept. 22): Sam Tarly

No, this is not a jibe at Sam Tarly. Even makes the distinction. Virgos are clever, though, and that’s Sam to the bone; moreover, he travels all the way to Oldtown for Jon and makes sure Gilly and Little Sam are taken care of — and that’s the real trait that makes Sam a pretty solid representative of Virgo. puts it this way: “The sense of duty borne by these folks is considerable, and it ensures that they will always work for the greater good.”

He may not make a particularly good Tarly or a lord, but Sam takes things seriously — both friendship and duty to the wider world. Even if the maesters don’t listen to his warnings, as they don’t in season 7, Sam figures that it’s better to leave and make sure someone knows what to do.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19): Sansa Stark

Season 1 Sansa Stark really doesn’t fit the mold of a Capricorn.

But then think about Sansa in the later seasons, and then read this from

“[Ambitious] and determined […] Those born under this sign also want to be the top dog, and they’re smart enough to know that the title won’t simply be handed to them.”

Sure, Sansa’s goals may be as simple as resecuring Winterfell and her family, but she also knows the value of working her way up and ultimately being able to withstand things that get in her way just to make sure that she does get to that goal. Additionally, it’s not like Sansa isn’t a leader — and Capricorns are cardinal signs.