Game of Thrones astrology: Which character best represents each sign?

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Episode 67 (season 7, episode 7), debut 8/27/17: Kit Harington.

photo: Macall B. Polay/courtesy of HBO

The Fire Signs

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Arya Stark, in its explanation of Aries, points out that they tend to be the “pioneers of the zodiac.” And Arya Stark, who takes a ship to Braavos and heads right into the House of Black & White, certainly qualifies as a pioneer.

But beyond that, she’s headstrong and bold, willing to jump right into things.’s description repeatedly points out the physicality of Aries, and look no further than Arya’s sparring match with Brienne or her run through Braavos with the Waif chasing her to see that.

However, there’s also a “[preference] to initiate rather than to complete,” and though we don’t doubt that Arya would finish her kill list if she could, she’s taken a bit of a break.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Jon Snow

Okay, to be fair, Leos have a reputation for being very showy, as points out, and Jon Snow does not have the tendency to be showy. (Also, irony, thy name is astrology; Leo is a fire sign, and we’re talking about a man that goes by Snow.)

But Leos are also leaders, ones that inspire others and draw them in, and that’s where Jon fits right in. From becoming Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch to King in the North, Jon’s shown over the past seven seasons that he’s worthy of all the titles people bestow on him.

Beyond that, though, notes that Leos are also “dignified and strong,” and it’s hard not to see how Jon has grown to have a gravitas about him after starting out as a pouty mess.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21): Davos Seaworth

This one might seem a little rude, but says that those born under Sagittarius have a tendency to be rather lucky, and Davos is that even if it comes at a great personal cost. He’s a survivor, one that’s had more close calls with death than should really be possible on a show like Game of Thrones. Yet he keeps on coming out of these situations, learning more and more.

That’s the other main trait of a Sagittarius — they have a tendency to become “a teacher or philosopher,” and while Davos might not call himself either, it’s clear that his worldview has had impacts on multiple characters at this point.