Game of Thrones astrology: Which character best represents each sign?

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Episode 67 (season 7, episode 7), debut 8/27/17: Kit Harington, Emilia Clarke.

photo: Macall B. Polay/courtesy of HBO

Game of Thrones characters might not really care about their exact namedays or birthdays, but it’s hard not to see where they fit into real-world astrology.

Whether or not you believe that the day you were born really helps govern your personality, astrology’s pretty fun to look into. And, of course, it’s even more fun when you can use characters to illustrate some of the traits of each of the signs. Although the Game of Thrones characters probably don’t really care about whether they’re an earth or a fire sign (they’re much more concerned about their house words in general, thank you very much), it’s easy to see that the 12 signs we have here in the real world translate pretty well to the world of Westeros.

Of course, there are far more than 12 characters in Game of Thrones, but we tried to pick the most representative of the qualities of each sign, although, sadly, we did have to find some characters who have since died to get the best representative.

You may agree; you may disagree; if you’re one of these signs and you think you’re much more another character, please tell us in the comments below or on Twitter!